The complete framework that shows you how to reclaim your time so you feel more balanced and have the time and freedom to do more of what you want to do.

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You’re working.

You’re raising kids.

You’re taking care of your household.

I get it.

You’re exhausted.

You’re overwhelmed.

You’re sick of being responsible for EVERYTHING.

You need help, but don’t know where to get it.

If you want to learn how to take back control of your life, and create a life you love, then this virtual bootcamp is for you.

Introducing: Busy Working Moms Making It All Work, from BURNOUT to BALANCED

a 5-week virtual bootcamp designed to help you reclaim your time so you can feel more balanced and have the time and freedom to do more of what you want to do.

This virtual bootcamp is offered in 4 learning modules. Each module, released each week over 5 weeks, includes video, downloadable worksheets and the opportunity to apply the content immediately.

Does this describe you?

  • You are a FT working mom
  • You are married/ living with your partner
  • You have at least one child (3+)
  • You are stressed and overwhelmed
  • You are tired of juggling everything
  • You constantly feel burnt out
  • You want more balance and more time for YOU

If this sounds like you, and you want to participate, I’m offering the course at a 75% discount for a limited time. For 5-weeks of training and live support, the price is $97!

WEEK 1: Master your Mindset (Content released on November 11, 2019)

WEEK 2: Empower Yourself & Your Family (Content released on November 18, 2019)

WEEK 3: Get Your Family Organized (Content released on November 25, 2019)

WEEK 4: Implementation Week

We get ALL the information, but seem to never leave room (or have time) for implementation. Week 4 is when we put our new knowledge into play. During this time, you will have additional time to continue to implement change!

WEEK 5: Manage Your Time Like a Boss (Content released on December 2, 2019)

Plus, weekly live Q&A sessions in a private FB group.


As an added bonus, you will receive a lesson on decluttering your home. You’ve probably heard the phrase “tidy home, tidy mind” right? Well, it’s true. A cluttered home results in a cluttered mind. By freeing yourself from the time and energy it takes to deal with all of that physical clutter, it frees up mental space, letting you focus on the more important things.

The less clutter you have, the easier it is to keep everything organized and the less time and energy it requires to actually clean everything up when you need to.

You will also receive a worksheet to help you outline your plan for decluttering.

This bootcamp is designed to give you the strategies, tools, support, and guidance you need to take back control of your life and transform the way you and your family live.

The life you crave is possible!

Your Instructor

Jamie Dadant
Jamie Dadant

Hi, I'm Jamie!

I help busy working moms who are overwhelmed by trying to juggle it all. Moms who are looking for support as they navigate the challenges of balancing work and family.

I would describe myself as a classic, type A perfectionist and overachiever. For years I followed the path of what I was “supposed” to be doing -- and it was exhausting. I didn’t know what I wanted, I only knew that something had to change.

A leap of faith lead me to a life coach and the experience was life. changing. Not only did I begin to feel empowered, but I had my own “aha” moment: I wanted to be a life coach too.

I set out on a path to share this inspiration I discovered with others. And now here I am...ready to help YOU.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start?
The course starts on November 11, 2019! This is a 5-week course and it's best if you can go at the pace of the course. However, I understand that life gets busy and you are free to go at your own pace.. And, as long as the program is in existence, you will have access!
I’m already so busy and I’m concerned about the time commitment. How long will this take?
I know your time is valuable and each lesson is designed with your time in mind. The lessons are quick and all lessons can be done on your time. You can easily tackle on your lunch break or after the kiddos are in bed. The bigger time investment is going to be the worksheets and assignments. However, all that can be done on your own time as well. And if you need to move slower through the program, it’s no problem at all. You can do this program at your own pace. The modules will be released on scheduled dates, but it’s up to you to decide when you are ready to participate in each one. This is all about progress, not perfection, so rest assured that even if you have an already packed schedule, you’ll be able to participate.
I feel guilty for wanting to do something for myself. I’m not sure it’s worth it?
You are constantly doing everything for everyone else and take very little for yourself. And as moms, one of the hardest things for us to do is ask for help and then to accept it when it appears. But it’s ok to do something you want to do! And guess what, by doing this, you are learning to be better and that helps you be a better parent. The entire family benefits here. Win-win!
My spouse is skeptical. How can I show that this is a worthwhile investment?
The skeptical spouse will have a lot of questions. This doesn’t mean they don’t support you. They just might need a little information. Address your spouse’s concerns and assure them that you are committed to learning how to do things differently and explain why this is so important to you.

My Guarantee

I am passionate about positively impacting your life.

In order to qualify for a refund, I ask that you fully participate in two modules within 15 days. If you do not feel I have delivered on my promise, you will be refunded 100%.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will be asked for your completed course work (to show you gave it a go) while also asking why you believe it was not a good fit (I want to learn and improve).

I’m ready to get my life in order!

This course is closed for enrollment.